Samples & Testimonials
"The TV Teacher is the first program that has had any of my boys asking to do penmanship lessons. …I think this program is worth every penny, and I highly recommend it."
Courtney Larson
Homeschooling mother of 5 boys
Reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
"We have tried everything and he has NEVER enjoyed writing until now! Combining the letters with your funny sense of humor and music has done the trick! ...Jacob just loves the video."
Heidi J. Moore
Mother of 6 year old with Down Syndrome
Alpharetta, Georgia
“"Wow! My expectations for my kindergarten students now [after using The TV Teacher], is what I used to expect out of my first graders last year using a different program!"
"Gen Ed" Kindergarten Teacher
Brouillet Elementary, Puyallup Washington
After many years of using other programs unsuccessfully, Ms. Curtis began using The TV Teacher with her special needs class. Because Tyler (7 years old with Autism) was unable to write or identify letters before using our program she explains, "we NEVER thought about being able to teach him spelling!" Now Tyler is writing and spelling all on his own.
Shannon Curits, Special Needs Teacher
Gordon County Schools, GA
“I love using TV Teacher! The students find the videos fun and engaging. They ask for Ms. Marnie all the time! The students enjoy working in the workbooks and repeating the phrases as they form letters."
Erin Moreno
Occupational Therapist
Fairfax County Public Schools, VA
"...I just received a copy of the Alphabet Beats DVD in the mail and my 4 1/2 year old son with Asperger's Syndrome just LOVES it. The segments are fun, entertaining, colorful and easy to follow. "
Keri Michaelis
Mother of 4 1/5 year old boy with Aspergers
Alpharetta, GA
“If you buy only one product this year for your preschooler/ kindergarten child, I would strongly suggest that you look into this [program]. This product is a HUGE hit in my house!”
Isabelle Lussier
Homeschooling mother of 4 children
Quebec, Canada

5 year old boy with Autism
Time between samples: 5 minutes

5.5 year old "typically developing" boy
Time between samples: 3 minutes
"[We] see this as a fit for both general ed and special ed. [We] have been going into all of our kindergarten classrooms, our general ed, our ICT co-teaching classrooms, and our 12:1 K-1 classrooms; and every child has been able to benefit from this program. And what's great about this program is you can go as quickly or a slowly as you need to...and we see the kids really, really wanting to use it. It's been great for our school."
Susan Campbell and Laurie Goeringer
Occupational Therapists
PS 295, Brooklyn, NY

“I started a regular program with my son on my own, however it was unsuccessful because it was not fun for him and he got frustrated and so did I. I recently purchased your product, and he now knows how to write the letters A,P,R—amazing the whole school year he has struggled now he is writing like a pro and loves it. He is requesting to watch the video just as much as Sponge Bob… Forever Grateful!!"
Jamie Crockett
“I think your videos are absolutely terrific. When my son was about three or four, he was definitely struggling to use a pen and to write his letters. While he was able to read from a very early stage, he just couldn’t work out the mechanics of writing. I then bought your video on writing capital letters and within about a month, he made profound advances. I cannot thank you enough! Your products are a breath of fresh air for the autism community.”
Tony O’Shea
Father of 6 year old child with Autism
“I work with a 15 year old young man with Down Syndrome... He has a hard time with the eye-hand coordination necessary to form the letters and frankly, he hasn't been very interested. ...the very first time we played it for him, he was enthralled. ...he reached over and traced the letter on my arm. We are thrilled that we have finally found a program that will keep his attention, make it fun AND teach him to write the letters of the alphabet..."
Karen Carlton
North Carolina

"My 5 year old son Ely just started kindergarten in a gifted and talented program. His academic skills have always been way ahead of his fine motor skills. He is expected to draw a picture in school every day and write about it. He has difficulty drawing pictures and writing letters accurately. With just one viewing of Strokes, Shapes and Scenes he sat down and drew this picture independently. He loves Miss Marnie."
Tracy Katz
Occupational Therapist
New York City DOE, NY

No prior writing
6-year-old boy with Down syndrome
Unable to write before using TV Teacher. Was independently writing up through letter L in 7 weeks

5-year-old boy - speech/language impaired
Time between samples: 1 week
"My 11-year-old son with Asperger's just started the DVD for upper case letters and it is a huge hit. He is writing the best I've ever seen. Thank You! ...He has been extremely self-conscious about how his letters look. For some reason, if something is fun or engaging, he focuses better and generates better 'product'..."
Jennifer Lomelli
Mother of 11 year old with Asperger's
Manhattan Beach, CA
”Our kindergarten team has been very impressed with The TV Teacher DVD’s. Whenever it is time for handwriting, the students are excited to learn. I highly recommend this program to other teachers and parents. Thank you for creating such a wonderful educational tool.”
Isabel Hamiter
Kindergarten Lead Teacher
Cobb County Schools, GA
“I never thought it would work so fast. …It was fun to see that just watching one time for each letter then writing when she said “practice with me” was amazing!!! …his OT was saying before how he really needed to improve and he’s barely made any progress. I can’t wait to show her this program!"
Breanna Rodgers
Mother of child with Autism
Duluth, MN

7 year old girl with Autism and Dyslexic tendencies
Time between samples: same day (watched chapter twice)

2nd grade boy with Down syndrome (writing 1-10)
Time between samples: approx. 5 months